Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Onions and Garlic--Repost!

We've got a great crop in two prime areas of the garden. They're ready to harvest after over a month with no water. This forces them to bulb out. The plants are pulled whole and laid out to dry further before braiding the garlic and storing the onions. They're ready to be picked now for fresh treats from the garden! These are the last crops from winter--and when we harvest will make way for the final summer corn and hot weather crops. Stay tuned! frmr bll
Repost thoughts--hmmm, maybe Nico is right old people can't do blogs (?) Couldn't quite figure out how to format w/2 photos.

1 comment:

Schooner Balenere said...

Boy do I love bulbine eatery. You'll have to show/tell us how to braid the garlic or store the onions