Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Aunt Emily called them Wax Beans

I learned all I know about veggie gardening from hanging on the apron strings of my Aunt Emily. It was summer in Maine, long days around the garden...the fifties. Yellow beans, wax beans--whatever you call them, please come by and pick'm now. They are in the main bed as you come into the garden from the brown house side. They're bush variety, so a little unruly and falling over when they get loaded! Salad Nicoise would be a wonderful reciepe with these guys...Farmer Billy


Summer Squash are in! Not just those pesky zukes either, tasty yellow crooknecks. They are sweet and make a great saute. Look in the bed under the apple tree and on the driveway side of the brown house. Enjoy! Farmer Bill

Friday, July 25, 2008

Rhymes with zukes...

CUKES!!! You can't buy the taste of fresh cucumbers and they're in now. We've been having one for dinner each night. There are two wonderful plants in the patch next to the corner bench. And there's a whole patch over on the walk to the brown house. Also, a whole new round is coming up--so my goal to keep us in cukes til fall! Enjoy. Farmer Bill

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Ok, it's time for zucchini! Our goal here is for you come by and pick one or two...and ensure that we don't reach the baseball bat size phase. My favorite recipes for zukes are in Molly Katzen's Moosewood Cookbook--great fun, already two dishes this week! We do our part.

"Black Beauty Zucchini" Heirloom. More to come, planting for late summer soon! Farmer William