Monday, June 16, 2008

Travlin' Farmer Seeks Home Pickers

Ok, we're on the road with the whole fam damily and what a time in Seattle! But...the garden still needs pickers, so get out there and find some veggies quick before their too far gone! We've got--

broccoli, carrots, beets, scallions, lettuce in the center bed, and raspberries!

See you soon, the Northwest is wonderful, cool and wet! Farmer Bill

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Farm Livin'

Hugo, the neighborhood cat, takes advantage of our easy lifestyle porch furnishings. This is shot at 6am after a tough night. He's there almost every day when I wake up. Our farm supports all types of wild and domestic life! The birds absolutely love our lettuce. But hey--it's all about habitat! Farmer B.

Carrots, Carrots, Carrots

Ok, time to get out there and pick carrots. Tasty, still small...we're having them every night in salads. They're a little hard to pick out if you don't know what you're looking for...but along the main path in the broccoli forest and between the strawberry tubs. Farmin Willie

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Better Late Than Never Tomatoes...

People who know me understand that I'm a little late with some planting tomatoes. In truth this is calculated (sort of) and really I'm just taking advantage of our long fall growing season. So, we've planted the southside of the house with tomatoes and some mystery squash/cuke plants all donated by Eli from the near-dead bin at the nursery. The southside of the house is hot! So we get great tomatoes there--we're going to put chilis in the main garden this year. Stay tuned--and--come by an pick some veggies! Farmer Bill

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cherries in Berkeley!?#*!?

Ok, everyone who knows me, knows I'm totally whacked on cherries...I mean pure love, bordering on addiction--so yeah, over the line. And, even though I know better, just keep trying to grow them here in Berkeley. What's wrong with this picture? Cherries don't really grow here--too cold in summer, too warm in winter--too close to the ocean, no seasons, blah, blah, blah. Not one to give up, we have a beautiful healthy Bing Cherry tree along the south side of the house...with about 12 cherries on it. I keep trying, but I've never really gotten a crop...can anyone share a story of Cherry Success in our wonderful climate???? Farmer Bill

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Onions and Garlic--Repost!

We've got a great crop in two prime areas of the garden. They're ready to harvest after over a month with no water. This forces them to bulb out. The plants are pulled whole and laid out to dry further before braiding the garlic and storing the onions. They're ready to be picked now for fresh treats from the garden! These are the last crops from winter--and when we harvest will make way for the final summer corn and hot weather crops. Stay tuned! frmr bll
Repost thoughts--hmmm, maybe Nico is right old people can't do blogs (?) Couldn't quite figure out how to format w/2 photos.